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Hello Hello,

I’m Erison Silva and I’ve been working in the past 10 years as Software developer.

📋 Resume

Here you can download my last resume version.

♥️ Open Source

Open source has been a topic that I always want to be be involved, and in Octuber 2020 I did my first Pull request for Sonata User Bundle! and Since there I ejoyed more and more contribute with OSS projects, Thanks Sonata Project for be so receptive and helpfull in my first contribuition <3.

Myprofile project

Myprofile, It is a open source project mantained by me, and I will dedicate a article just for this, it commes soon.

Sonata page bundle 4

This new major was one of the most exited contribution that I have a plasure to be part of, everything started since one of the last companies that I worked uses this bundle and it was stuck on symfony version 4, and I pushed foword the initiative to relase the new major version.

It was a really huge amount of work and it toke aound 4 months the have this released, and I have learned a lot, maybe thing that I never learn in any company. You can see this long effort in this issue

a special thank you for Vincent Langlet and Jordi Sala Morales, for all support that you gave me.

Rector phpunit

Rector is another php community really friendly, I started to contribute with this project since I was working in a phpunit upgrade, and I faced some code that I need to refactor manually and it was a pain, then I introduce a rule to make this automatic and I’ve adding more rules to help me with this automatic refactor.

Thank you ractor for this amazing project, it is a really good example that community works <3

All contributions